Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mrs. Clinton...Ha!

First I want to say that I like O'bama. I do. Just because I would rather Hillary win does not mean I don't like the guy. To me Hillary has more experience. I think O'bama would do great if he came back in a few years and tried again. But if it gets down to O'bama and McCain then I would prefer O'bama.
What irritates the hell out of me is that the other day while watching 'Morning Joe' there was a woman on there who continued referring to Hillary as Mrs. Clinton yet when she talked about O'bama or McCain she would first say Senator. To me that shows how some people look at her. Why should she not be referred to by Senator also? She worked hard to get that position. The woman used Mrs. Clinton over and over again and not one person at the table questioned her or even seemed to notice. I wanted to reach through the t.v. and strangle her. This is how some ignorant people look at Sen. Clinton. She's a woman and she, not only doesn't deserve to be our Pres., but she doesn't deserve the respect the men receive. I've tried to think that this is not about gender or race but it's really hard. I don't think it's so much about race. I think people are afraid to "touch" that for fear of being labeled a racist. They aren't so worried about being labeled sexist though. People would rather an African American man who is an excellent speaker (yet lacks the experience of a the woman) be voted into office then the woman. We have to remember that African American men were allowed to vote before white women could. By saying that I think people would rather an African American be our leader then a white woman because "the man" is more powerful. (Either that or men just couldn't stand for a woman to hold the position). I don't think they do it knowingly or I'd like to think that there are not that many pigs out there. "Pigs" meaning women also. They think the same way so I'm not just bashing men. Maybe "pigs" is too strong of a word but it's all I can think of right now.

I mean look at how Hillary is questioned non-stop at the debates. The media jumps on every word she says, her mannerisms, her clothing and her laugh. Ridiculous. O'bama dodges questions or gives a witty "I'm not going there." and that's okay. People look at him for being dignified because he won't "stoop to her level" but I really think all he's doing is being evasive...not dignified. I'm really irritated about this loud mouth pastor friend of his. So what, he is no longer on the campaign. Don't tell me that a man who is your "spiritual advisor", who married you and your wife and christened your children and who mentors you in your personal life does not have an influence on you and how you think. Yea, I buy that.

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