Monday, March 10, 2008

Please Just Go Ahead and Flush This Day Down the Toilet Already.

I haven't blogged for a day or so. Not much has been going on until today and I can't blog about it without my temp rising. Let's just say I quit smoking over 6 years ago and I don't drink enough to say I drink but today I could have easily puffed down an entire pack of Virgina Slim Menthols and had a nice stiff drink...or two. Today sucked beyond the point of sucking. Nothing with the Hubbs or the kids. Just crap in general. I like to think I'm far from being a violent person but I would love to haul off and *&^ someones *(^%$ down their *&%*@#.


That sounds really bad. Either way, I had a few Alley McBeal moments today for sure.

Hallelujah!! Tomorrow is another day.

Jesus had to be with me to get me through this day. I give him credit for me not killing people.

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